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Price per Head Software in Costa Rica

    Are you thinking of taking your bookie business online? If so, you have probably heard of price per head software, particularly if you are in Costa Rica. You might not be quite sure what price per head software is or what it entails. For further information, please keep reading and will explain everything you need to know about the Pay per Head software and our services. You are just a few steps away from launching your own successful online bookie business!

    What is price per head software?

    Price per head software is another word for a model many successful online bookies use. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on setting up a website, creating betting management software, and various other software solutions, bookies simply opt for this efficient and cost-effective model.

    With price per head software, you get your very own website for managing online betting and gambling. You, as the bookie, have your own login and complete control over every line, odd, bet, and prop, as well as every sub-agent or player account. You can even manage players individually, setting limits or incentives where appropriate or refusing bets. At all times, you can manage betting activity from your laptop or mobile and see what you have coming in.

    Price per head software from also includes an online casino where your players can enjoy all their favourite video slots, card, and table games, as well as a live dealer option. This helps increase time spent on your site, pushing up revenue and nurturing customer loyalty. 

    In short, you get a fully-fledged online betting and gambling site with individual player access via secure login. This means you and your players can log in from anywhere at any time, as long as there is an internet connection. Bets can be placed and managed from one centralized, digital location, making running a bookie business so much easier.

    What about Price Per Head Software payment?

    When it comes to payment, the clue is in the name. Price per head software is where you pay just a small weekly fee for each active player, rather than a percentage of earnings or winnings. In the case of Per Head Costa Rica, you pay just $7 per week for every client that gambles in that seven days. This means that if a player doesn’t bet one week, it doesn’t matter; you do not have to pay a fee for them. To cut a long story short, you only pay for the customers that are generating revenue for you within any given week. This is great for bookies that want to scale up and scale down with minimal investment or losses, and it is helpful during off-season times.

    You simply top up your account via fiat or crypto with enough to cover your costs for a couple of weeks or as long as you wish. We deduct a sum each week, depending on how many active bettors you had. Then, when your funds are running low, we send a gentle reminder so you can top up again.

    As for payments between you and your players, we leave this up to you. All transactions involving money are handled outside the price per head software, leaving you in complete control. This means there is total privacy and security when it comes to payments and who your players are. We do not interfere in any way, nor pass on any information to any third parties.

    What do I get for that price?

    So what do you get for your $7 per active player per week? That is an excellent question. As an absolute standard, you get the following:

    •  Toll-Free Call Center Support in English, Spanish and Chinese
    •  Live Chat Service
    •  Live Bet Alerts via SMS, or Telegram
    •  Free Live Bet Ticker
    •  VIP, Personal Account Manager

    For a small extra cost, you can get a custom build website, and for an additional fee, Live Dealer Casino is a huge source of additional revenue for online bookies.

    What is the Price Per Head Software setup process?

    Getting started with price per head software could not be more simple. All you need to do is fill out a simple form with information on how many players you have and your contact details. A member of our team will contact you shortly and walk you through all the different options you have to get set up. Then depending on what you want, for example, a generic site or custom build, you can be up and running in a few moments, to a day or so max. Then you simply encourage your players to register with the site, safely and securely using a pseudonym if they wish, and you are ready to start taking bets.

    Try our Free PPH Demo Now! Get started today and boost your profits effortlessly!